Starting a business in itself is an extremely difficult task and growing that business to make it sustainable and profitable takes a lot of effort and time. It’s almost like raising a child into an adult. As if that weren’t hard enough, in a country like India, where the majority of the population lives in villages, with very different infrastructure than cities, this is a huge challenge that needs to be addressed to pass.
Starting a business in the countryside can sometimes be difficult. However, with proper market research and a thorough understanding of your users, you can ensure the success of your business. So let’s take a look at some startup/ village business ideas that can be successful:
- Start an educational institution: The state of education in rural areas of India is extremely poor, which makes it the perfect opportunity to set up a startup in Indian villages. This is when they will recommend your institute to their family and friends and more and more students start enrolling, creating a snowball effect.
- Agricultural equipment and products: Farmers mainly fill the villages, and it is clear that selling agricultural equipment and products would be the obvious choice for rural Indian startup ideas. You can deliver seeds, pesticides, farm feed, fertilizer and heavy farm machinery.
- Transportation: Finding the right means of transport is a huge problem in the villages. A large percentage of vehicles in villages simply have no organization or structure and so it could be a perfect business opportunity. The basic cost to set up this business is the cost of buying a car, which can also be second-hand. One thing to note is that the income level of the general population in Indian villages is not very high.
- Sell farmer output in cities: There are a large number of farmers in Indian villages who sell all their produce to major distributors and dealers. These parties buy everything the farmers have and pay them almost insignificant sums, then sell the product itself at a premium. So the farmer still makes very little money, and if they have a poor yield in a year, because of problems like low rainfall etc., they don’t get any money at all. As a result, farmers soon found themselves struggling to pay off insurmountable debts, which led to a shocking rate of Indian farmers committing suicide.
- Sell hard-to-find items: There are many items that are almost completely absent in villages. These items can be a single harvest and/or grain, electronic and automatic machinery, etc. Villages in India are slowly progressing and with the advancement of technology, villages are also undergoing a lot of development.
Much of the Indian population resides in villages and so does the monetary interest. Entrepreneurship is not rocket science, but its implementation and execution is the main game. These are some of the best village business ideas that can be started with low investment in India; especially during this pandemic, the work of medical stores is available for profit. So, one must also research how to open a medical store to avail the benefits.