Hemp oil is a product very often underestimated concerning its health benefits. Part of the reason for this is due to its origins. Hemp oil is extracted from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant. Many people associate CBD products with the illegal substance THC.
However, high-quality organic CBD products that comply with all the legal rules of selling these products don’t include the psychoactive substance THC. If you are looking for excellent quality CBD products that are safe to use, click here. To learn more about CBD and THC, continue reading this article.
Because of its genus, it is very often associated with the psychotropic substance cannabis. Its qualities are seriously underestimated and forgotten over time. Many people even go so far as to denounce it altogether.
However, the facts are that for the production of hemp oil, only industrially cultivated plants are used without the presence of substances with a narcotic effect on the body and mind. We lift the curtain on the product’s health benefits and what situations it would help you.
We Start with What Is…
The most important thing to know about hemp oil We have already mentioned the plant from which hemp oil is extracted. By its nature, it is an annual and originates from distant regions of Asia. However, over the centuries, it has spread throughout the world and nowadays can be found in most countries with a temperate climate. The properties of the plant have been known for millennia, and many call it “nature’s most balanced oil.” It was still studied by the ancient Asian peoples and added to their recipes for cures and potions related to religious celebrations. Now, it can be found in medicines, oils, and cosmetics, even as part of the menu of some people.
Several ingredients in the plant also support the activity of the brain and liver. Especially in autumn, its benefits for boosting the immune system, should not be underestimated.
In the case of hair loss or problems with hair growth, the oil hydrates the hair and makes it easier to comb – especially when the hair is thicker and needs to be strengthened.
Unrefined hemp oil has a rich aroma and a green hue. After processing, it becomes colorless, and its flavor and aroma almost disappear. Therefore, even when used, it does not leave traces on clothes and does not irritate the sense of smell.
Beneficial Properties of Hemp Oil for the Body
Some of the great benefits of hemp oil lie in its composition. In it we find amino acids indispensable for the body. The high content of vitamin E is also of importance. Apart from them, we also find in hemp the minerals potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, silicon, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, chromium. All of them are indispensable for our body’s health and the proper functioning of all its systems.
One of the most crucial substances in hemp oil is lecithin. It is of particular importance for athletes, because it compensates the body’s needs in diets without fats. Lecithin helps the metabolism in these situations and enables it to process substances in a way that does not allow them to accumulate in the body. Lecithin is naturally obtained from egg yolks and soybeans. The positive qualities of hemp oil for hair and skin are indisputable.
As a natural product it deeply moisturizes the skin – sometimes much more than lotion or shower gel. If you use hemp oil for massage, you will increase the effect on the skin, as it improves blood circulation.
Hemp oil is also used in the cooking industry, but not often. The reason is rooted in the fact that the oil has a low temperature heating point. Apart from that it has over 70% good fats in its composition, which makes its content of undesirable saturated fatty acids far less – often times below 10%.
What Is the THC of Hemp Oil?
We can’t talk about hemp oil without mentioning one of its other key ingredients – the substance THC. It has a key relationship with the hormone serotonin, also known as the “hormone of happiness.”
Apart from our good mood, it also has much more serious effects. Some of them are related to our sleep and its quality. However, reputable companies that produce and sell hemp oil do not include THC in their products. The substance can lead to addiction and dizziness, and most importantly, it is illegal in most countries because it can directly affect our general psyche. That’s because serotonin seriously affects our ability to learn, appetite, and cardiovascular system. All these factors influence our behavior and thoughts but also our lifestyle.
What to watch out for?
The most important thing to know about hemp oil is how to store it. After refining, the oil does not have a long shelf life, so it is crucial to store it in a dark and cool place, such as a refrigerator, for example. Be sure to consult before using hemp oil and if you have chronic problems with the digestive tract, as hemp oil can have a laxative effect. Another factor to consider is the clotting rate of your blood. Do not overuse hemp oil if you have illnesses or are taking medications that affect the anticoagulant properties of the blood.