Concrete cutting is a complicated process that requires highly specialized tools and an experienced concrete cutter. In fact, the job of cutting through concrete is not the best DIY project for an inexperienced home handyman. A professional concrete cutter should adhere to all the necessary safety and environmental standards and use the best cutting equipment to perform the job. On the other hand, they should be equipped with the right safety gear to protect themselves from any harm or injuries during the process. This article provides information on what you should look for when hiring a professional concrete cutting service in Australia to cut through concrete in your home or commercial project.
Check what accreditations the potential concrete cutter has before you decide to hire them for the job. A professional concrete cutter in Australia should comply with the following accredited standards:
. AS/NZS 4801:2001 – issued by Standards Australia – This standard is a benchmark used to assess Occupational Health & Safety Management systems for commercial organizations in Australia and New Zealand. The right concrete cutting service you plan to hire should be accredited with this standard in order to carry out their work safely.
. ISO 9001 Quality Management – issued by ISO or the International Organisation for Standardization – This standard will make sure the potential concrete cutting service consistently meets customer needs and improve their practices over time.
. ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System – this standard is also issued by the ISO – This standard makes sure the concrete cutting service adheres to a sound environmental policy and has been accredited to conform to it.
Once you are satisfied with the accreditations and standards complied by the potential concrete cutting service, you should ask them what type of concrete cutting could they perform. In fact, concrete cutting comes in different forms. There are concrete cutters that use different tools such as road saws, wall saws, wire saws, and hand saws. On the other hand, there is concrete drilling used to create one-off holes or cut irregular shapes in concrete slabs. Concrete grinding helps make uneven concrete slabs level to avoid trip hazards. You should make sure the potential concrete cutting service has the necessary expertise and tools to do the job perfectly.
The next thing to consider is what brand of equipment and hardware the contractor uses. The best concrete cutting services in the market use reliable equipment like Husqvarna as well as high-quality machines, saw blades, drill bits, and grinding apparatus. The drills and saws should be diamond quoted to cut through very hard materials like concrete slabs. In fact, high-quality hardware will offer a quicker and cleaner finish for your project.
The personal protection equipment or PPE used by the service provider is also important. As per the safety rules in the country, all concrete cutting staff should wear appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE). You should be checking all these factors before hiring the best concrete cutting service in town.
If you have a concrete cutting or drilling job in Melbourne, please call us at Vic Sawing & Drilling.