Detoxification is the first step in freeing an addict from the bonds of his or her drug, or drugs, of choice. The process of detoxing from heroin must occur under medical supervision to ensure the best possibility for success. If heroin detox is done improperly, or a person tries to go through it alone, the results may be extremely painful, possibly fatal, and, more often than not, end in a return to heroin. Heroin is a toxin, and the body must first rid itself of the poisonous substance that has been causing the ongoing cycle of addiction. When the heroin detox process begins, both the body and mind will be craving heroin, which shows up as a series of withdrawal symptoms. These range from vomiting, hot and cold flashes, diarrhea, mood swings, and dizziness to the bone, joint, and muscular pain, insomnia, anxiety, intense sweating, rapid pulse, fever, chills, and high blood pressure.
When a heroin addiction detox program is conducted in a medical facility, detox specialists are able to help relieve the addict’s pain and discomfort. With close supervision by staff who constantly monitor the patient’s heart rate and other vital signs, professional detox ensures that the process goes smoothly for the addict. With the introduction of a nutrition plan during the detox process, the body more easily adjusts to life without heroin.
Some people have diarrhea, convulsions, vomiting, and uncontrollable bodily movements when they are going through withdrawal. The physical symptoms of heroin withdrawal are notoriously unpleasant and challenging to bear, but with the right kind of medical care, an individual can successfully navigate the few days of excruciating withdrawal symptoms, which ultimately leads to increased readiness for more formal treatment.
An in-house nutritionist places the addict on a well-rounded plan to ensure that the proper nutrients and vitamins that the body has been deprived of during active addiction are restored. The healthier the body, the easier it is for the patient to focus on the mental and emotional elements of the treatment plan that occur after detox. If difficulties occur during the heroin detox process, there are many pharmaceutical medications that a physician can prescribe without the introduction of another substance that has any potential for addiction.
After the first, most difficult days, members of our treatment team begin educating the addict on what the formal treatment program will look like. With descriptions of our programs, the services we offer during treatment, and the long-term outlook, we find that our clients feel more at ease while transitioning from detox to inpatient rehab. To ensure the clients’ success, the experts strive for trust prior to entry into formal treatment. The online sites provide referrals to the best treatment services for heroin addiction and any substance abuse disorder. With serene locations and highly competent staff, starting life in recovery becomes a pleasant experience. If you, or someone you love, has a problem with heroin and cannot stop using drugs, contact a detox center today and find out how a detox program can help you begin a new life.