Steps to Effective Communication with Professors
Communication with faculty members is an important part of your MBA education. You should seek advice from your professors on how to best communicate with them. Whether you need essay help or are looking for support, the following checklist is a guide to help you begin to improve your communication skills with professors.
Get to know your professors before you sit down with them
Many professors want to be friends with students. They have no interest in becoming an assistant to their students. They want to be your advisor. Be sensitive to this desire and be careful to establish a friendship before approaching a professor with any new ideas.
As part of that process, ask professors questions to understand them better. They should be willing to answer your questions. If you are interested in pursuing an MBA or graduate school, you will want to find out how your professors evaluate you. Will they be fair and objective? Do they like you? Do they think you will do well in school? Do they have a strong opinion about you? You should have all these points discussed.
Be patient
When you approach a professor, trying to understand their perspective can be nerve-wracking, even when you have discussed their position with others. There are many variables at play here. Your classmates may have different ideas than you. They may have their own biases. And each person’s perspective will be impacted by their interactions with others. As you seek advice from your professors, they will have questions and want you to explain your perspective. Take time to do this. Give it some thought before you speak.
Ask questions
Don’t expect professors to take the time to explain things to you. They’re human and have many things on their plates. They are busy people, and you want to be careful that they are not overwhelmed. They are professors, after all. Try not to get defensive when you speak. If a professor explains something in a way that you don’t understand, ask if you can use the explanation later in class and ask questions.
Be polite
The best way to start communicating with your professor is to be polite and respectful. It’s much better to come in and ask questions at the first meeting rather than wait until you are in class. You don’t have to be formal or pretend to be someone you’re not. Just be polite and respectful and do not be afraid to ask questions.
Stay on schedule
Your professors are most likely busy. They don’t have time to help you with something unless you have a reason. You also don’t want to come in late and interrupt their day. A simple call beforehand to ask when you should come to office hours and when you should be in the class can save you time. Even if you don’t need to see them that day, you still should call. Many professors are more understanding than the student realizes.
It can be hard to get down to business without a good reason. It can also be difficult to explain why you need a meeting. It helps to be prepared. That means ensuring you have all the information you need to explain your situation. Try to find what they’re asking you to do; if it isn’t clear, ask your professor what you should be doing. In addition to research, you may want to get some notes down. It’s much easier to go back to your notes than to try to explain yourself when you’ve forgotten why you wanted to meet.
Set expectations
Many students think that they just need to show up and ask questions. While it’s true that most professors are usually open to student questions, you need to understand that they are also busy. You can schedule a meeting with your professor when you are clear on what you need to ask them and when. In addition to being specific, you should also ask your professor if they have time to help you.
Keep your promises
Your professors don’t have a lot of extra time to do extra work for you. If you come in and ask them to do something, you need to keep that promise. And, you should try to be reasonable. If you don’t need their help right away, ask if you can do it later. You also should ask them to keep track of your work. While most professors will try to keep track of work for you, it’s good to let them know that you would like that.
Follow up
When you have some success with a professor, it’s important to keep them up to date on what you are doing and when you are going to return for their help. It’s much easier for a professor to give you feedback and help if they know what you are going to do. In addition, you can find out if they’ve had any problems in the classes you’ve taken and how you can improve your grade. If you have questions, they are more likely to help you if you have already shown some improvement.